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Friday, May 30, 2008


I just gone through some of the book in ma home which was bought some year later.
and found some interesting topic on that.,

I just planned to blog it here.,
its completing about APPLE & IBM

One of the most dramatic examples of the back-to-zero effect can be found with the development and marketing of the personal computers. if i had written in 1975 that two young men, neither of whom had finished his college education, would create a computer in their garage that would force the IBM Corporation to drastically change, within five years., its methods of manufacturing, software production, sales and machine security, how many of you taken me seriously.,? Go ON.,

But thats exactly what happened steve Jobs and Steve Woznaik did it When they created their APPLE computers and its marketing strategy. That was brilliant rules and conditions in them.,

when the Apple II came out in 1977, there is no question that people @ IBM and other mainframe computer companies laughed, And in 1982., almost all of them were trying to emulate apple's paradigm.,

And, now lets check my everybody-goes-back-to-zero thesis by four rules which was followed by IBM is that of critical to their success.

1. IBM manufactured the heart of their computers, hte microprocessor. in fact, IBM was one of the best at that in the world.,

2. IBM always wrote s/w for its companies with the help of its own talented s/w developers

3. And also., All the IBM products were sold by IBM super sales people., the best in the world.

4. No one was allowed to open up an IBM product xcept the IBM person.,

And finally Apple came changed all their rulz and played all bla! blaz! with IBM.,

Key point of this summary is., Apple wrote the rules, they were a good set of rules that added up to a powerful new paradigm. the result was that others followed., With its rules., Apple defined a a market that did not exist in 1975. it will be a $100 -billion market by the turn of the century all because of their rulz and they created a new paradigm.,

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